Azure Weekly

Issue #159 - 28th January 2018

It seems to have been a busy week in the Azure Ecosystem, with the number of announcements in double figures. In addition to all of those, a couple of API Managment announcements from a fortnight ago seemed to have slipped through the corresponding newsletter's cracks, which concern the GA of Versions & Revisions and API Management's newfound integration with Application Insights. Moving back to this week, the technical announcements are:

A few other noteworthy announcements include:

Aside from those announcements, Matt McSpirit offers a very nice Introduction into Infrastructure as a Service IaaS with Microsoft Azure, Shayne Boyer talks about his hybrid solution around monitoring issues regarding Azure on Stack Overflow, and David Smith shows us how to Speed up simulations in R with doAzureParallel.

πŸ”Ž Analytics

🚒 Containers

πŸ—„οΈ Databases

πŸ› οΈ Developer Tools

πŸ”Œ Integration

πŸ’‘ Internet of Things

βš–οΈ Management and Governance

🌐 Networking

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