Azure Weekly

Issue #366 - 3rd April 2022

Lots and lots of updates this week. One that made me sit up and take notice was: Azure classic storage accounts will be retired on 31 August 2024 - I know we still have lots of classic storage accounts across our subscriptions. Time to modernise! Another storage feature that's reached GA is Access time-based lifecycle management rules for Data Lake Storage Gen2, which allows you to automatically move data between storage tiers - ideal for reducing the cost of data you need to keep, but don't access very often.

Another big announcement from this week: introducing the new Azure Front Door: Reimagined for modern apps and content. I'm a big fan of ACA, and always enjoy reading Thorsten's posts: Custom health probes with Azure Container Apps. I also enjoyed reading Boost your Infrastructure as Code with Bicep

Two other posts that provide a good high-level overview are: Data Cataloging with Azure Purview and Where does AAD App Proxy fit with other Azure reverse proxies. Finally, I enjoyed this example of combining different technologies to build an interesting IOT solution: Build an AI-powered predictive maintenance solution with TinyML, Azure Sphere, and Microsoft Teams.

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