Azure Weekly

Azure Weekly Issue 376: 26th June 2022

Quite a busy edition this week, with a mixed bag of updates. Firstly Microsoft has announced some Responsible AI investments and safeguards for facial recognition. John Reilly continues to blog his journey exploring ACA and Dapr in Azure Container Apps: dapr pubsub.

There are two interesting posts around Identity worth highlighting: 8 Best Practices for Azure AD Roles and How are you faring in your Zero-Trust Journey A look at Zero Trust assessment tools.

Two interesting IoT posts: How FPGA and cloud technology can reduce our climate impact, and a nice addition that may make adoption simpler for those who don't want to use C/C++ Previewing Rust on Azure Sphere.

There are two useful tips blog posts about Azure API Management: My 10 favorite Azure API Management Tips and Tricks and Use different rate-limiting options in Azure API Management for business and non-business hours. And Azure Static Web Apps gains new New API backend options in Azure Static Web Apps, including Azure Container Apps, APIM and App Service!

Finally an excellent real-world example from Tom Peplow,  Principal & Director of Product Development at Milliman (note: they were one of endjin's first customers), of how something as minor as changing a Virtual Machine SKU in Azure can have a million dollar impact, and why robust DevOps processes are so important:

"We found that our results changed when we moved to a different virtual machine (VM) type due to the non-associative nature of floating-point arithmetic. This change was a controlled change. We found the difference in a test run of our model. We knew precisely what changed, so we dug in and found that the new architecture of the Gen 4 Haswell processor used FMA3. This caused a difference in the tail of the double precision floating point, but the number was big and thus the change was material (millions of dollars). Thankfully, once we understood this, the impact of the processor architecture, we flipped the _set_FMA_enable(0) switch. This fixed the change in results (at a small performance penalty), and the issue went away. While we did all this investigation, and it was not an insignificant lift, our customers were quite safely using the trusted legacy machines."

AI + Machine Learning

Covering: Anomaly detector, Azure Bot Service, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Open Datasets, Bing APIs, Cognitive Services, Computer Vision, Content moderator, Custom vision, Data Science Virtual Machines, Face, Form Recogniser, Immersive Reader, Ink Recogniser, Language Understanding (LUIS), Machine Learning Studio, Microsoft Genomics, ML.NET, Personaliser, Project Cortex, QnA Maker, Speaker Recognition, Speech-to-Text, Speech translation, Text Analytics, Text to Speech , Translator Speech, Translator Text


Covering: Apache Spark for HDInsight, Apache Storm for HDInsight, Azure Analysis Services, Azure Data Explorer, Azure Data Share, Azure Databricks, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Synapse Analytics, Data Catalog, Data Factory, Data Lake Analytics, Event Hubs, HDInsight, .NET for Apache Spark, R Server for HDInsight, Azure Purview


Covering: Azure CycleCloud, Azure Dedicated Host, Azure Functions, Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple, Batch, Cloud Services, Linux Virtual Machines, SAP HANA on Azure Large Instances, Service Fabric, Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets


Covering: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Red Hat OpenShift, CNAB, CNCF, Container Instances, Container Registry, Porter, WSL, Web App for Containers

Developer Tools

Covering: App Configuration, Azure Lab Services, CLIs, Developer tool integrations, SDKs, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Online


Covering: Azure Artifacts, Azure Boards, Azure DevOps, Azure Pipelines, Azure Repos, Azure Test Plans, Azure DevTest Labs, DevOps tool integrations

Hybrid + Multicloud

Covering: Azure Arc, Azure Stack

Internet of Things

Covering: Azure Digital Twins, Azure IoT Central, Azure IoT Edge, Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT solution accelerators, Azure Maps, Azure Sphere, Azure Time Series Insights, IoT DevKit, WildernessLabs, Windows 10 IoT Core Services


Covering: Microsoft Certifications, Azure Certifications, Microsoft Learning Paths, Certification Pathway Information

Management and Governance

Covering: Automation, Azure Advisor, Azure Backup, Azure Blueprints, Azure Lighthouse, Azure Managed Applications, Azure mobile app, Azure Monitor, Azure Policy, Azure Resource Manager, Azure Service Health, Azure Site Recovery, Cloud Shell, Cost Management, Microsoft Azure portal, Scheduler, Azure Purview


Covering: Azure Media Player, Content Protection, Encoding, Live and On-Demand Streaming, Media Analytics, Media Services, Video Indexer


Covering: Azure Database Migration Service, Azure Migrate, Data Box


Covering: App Service (Mobile), Mobile apps, Notification Hubs, Visual Studio App Centre, Xamarin


Covering: Application Gateway, Azure Bastion, Azure DNS, Azure ExpressRoute, Azure Firewall, Azure Firewall Manager, Azure Front Door, Azure Internet Analyzer, Azure Private Link, Content Delivery Network, Load Balancer, Network Watcher, Traffic Manager, Virtual Network, Virtual WAN, VPN Gateway, Web Application Firewall


Covering: Azure DDoS Protection, Azure Information Protection, Azure Sentinel, Key Vault, Security Center


Covering: Archive Storage, Avere vFXT for Azure, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure FXT Edge Filer, Azure HPC Cache, Azure NetApp Files, Blob Storage, Disk Storage, File Storage, Managed Disks, Queue Storage, Storage Accounts, Storage Explorer, StorSimple

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