Azure Weekly
Issue #383 - 21st August 2022
It's quite a packed issue, so will jump right in with the highlights: as the possibility of global recession looms, organisations will be looking at internal budgets to see if any costs can be trimmed. There's a timely post: Infra Cost Optimisation In The Cloud β Practical Design Steps For Architects and Developers.
I stumbled across a post I missed in May, from Brad Smith, which addresses concerns raised in Europe about some of Microsoft's software licensing practices that impact competing cloud providers: Microsoft responds to European Cloud Provider feedback with new programs and principles. Worth a read if you use any of the European Datacenters.
Other articles of note: Machine Learning with Cosmos DB and Synapse Link, Azure Tips and Tricks - Remove Azure Secrets committed to GitHub, Use GitHub Codespaces to learn Machine Learning, and finally Building .NET Serverless applications with isolated model in Azure Functions and Visual Studio 2022.
βοΈ AI + Machine Learning
- The Azure Updates Team announces Generally Available: Hierarchical forecasting for Azure Machine Learning
- The Azure Updates Team announces Azure Machine Learning - Public preview updates for August 2022
- Travis Dahlke writes about 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant Recognizes Microsoft for Cloud AI Developer Services
- Lee Stott (@lee_stott) walks through how to Bring AI to your life with Power Virtual Agents and Microsoft Graph
- Marco Aurelio Cardoso blogs about Machine Learning with Cosmos DB and Synapse Link
- Anshika Goyal describes Use GitHub Codespaces to learn Machine Learning
- Jame Maguire describes How To Translate Language Using the Azure Speech Service
π Analytics
- On the Azure blog, Arun Ulagaratchagan talks about Azure Data Explorer: Log and telemetry analytics benchmark
- Mark Kromer (@kromerbigdata) describes Azure Data Factory Changing Default Pipeline Activity Timeout
- Arindam Mondal covers Data Flow Formatters - Flatten, Parse and Stringify in Azure Data Factory
- Marco Aurelio Cardoso discusses Developing custom activities in Data Factory / Synapse Analytics
- Sally Dabbah explains How To Send Dataset Dynamically to A REST Service Using ADF using Copy Activity
- Lee Stott (@lee_stott) blogs about Connecting Power BI to Microsoft Graph
- Sanjay Raut explains how to Updated Synapse Analyzer Report: Workload Management and ability to monitor large data warehouses
π’ Containers
- The Azure Updates Team writes about Azure Red Hat OpenShift new regions, and Dapr release 1.8 support in Azure Container Apps, and Kubernetes 1.24 support, and Key management system integration with AKS and Azure Dedicated Host Support
- The Azure Updates Team announces the Public Preview: Automated deployments in AKS and Public preview: Blob CSI support in AKS
- On Visual Studio Magazine - Blogs, David Ramel (@dramel) describes Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ Now Supports Kubernetes, Virtual Machines
- As part of the Azure Tips and Tricks series, Manoj Srinivas describes How to get started with Azure Container Apps and explains How to use Deployment Slots in Azure App Service for Containers
- Safeena Begum Lepakshi discusses Containers Security Mapping Dashboard
- On the Dapr Blog, the Dapr project maintainers announce DaprCon 2022
ποΈ Databases
- The Azure Updates Team announces the General Availability of: Server logs for Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server, and Reserved instance pricing for Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise and Azure SQLβGeneral availability updates for mid-August 2022.
- The Azure Updates Team announces the Public preview: Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- Holger Linke blogs describes how to Resolve tempdb-related errors in Azure SQL Database and explains How to Capture the Actual Execution Plan in Azure SQL Database
- On the Data Exposed show, Anna Hoffman (@AnalyticAnna) and Manish Kumar (@im_manish) discuss how to Protect your sensitive data using Azure SQL DB
- Jose M Jurado (@jmjuradodiaz) presents Lesson Learned 234: Parallel vs Single Running a Bulk Insert with Python
- Holger Linke talks about Considerations on Bidirectional Transactional Replication
- Rajendra Gupta (@rajendragupta16) blogs about Query Plan Viewer in Azure Data Studio
- Sravani Saluru covers Windows Authentication for Azure AD principals for SQL Managed Instance is now Generally Available
- Eric Blinn covers SQL Server, Oracle, Postgres, Azure and AWS Performance, Monitoring and Management with dbWatch Control Center
- Srinivasa Kolluri talks about Azure DMS - MySQL Replicate Changes now in preview
π οΈ Developer Tools
- The Azure Updates Team announces the Public Previews of: App Configuration geo replication support and AKS DevX extension for Visual Studio Code
- On the Visual Studio blog, Carolina Uribe-Gosselin explains how to Live Share: Enterprise Policies are here
- On the Visual Studio blog, Marc Goodner discusses Whats New in Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 1
- Also on the Visual Studio blog, Taysser Gherfal (@taysser) covers Git Line-staging Released
- On Visual Studio Magazine - Blogs, David Ramel (@dramel) covers GA Release of Visual Studio for Mac 17.3 Intros User Secrets for Sensitive Info, and Microsoft Furthers Visual Studio Extension Writing Revamp and Visual Studio 2022 17.4 Preview 1 Furthers Arm64 Support
- Melony Qin blogs about Building .NET Serverless applications with isolated model in Azure Functions and Visual Studio 2022
- Damien Bowden (@damien_bod) covers Creating dotnet solution and project templates
- On episode 147 of the Ctrl+Alt+Azure podcast, Tobias Zimmergren and Jussi Roine discuss the new Azure Developer CLI
- Manoj Srinivas presents Azure Tips and Tricks - Working With Azure Functions in VS Code and GitHub
- Wong Cyrus explains how to Tackle the pitfalls of GitHub Classroom with Azure serverless services
- Saifhasan Rain describes Microsoft Graph API in SharePoint
- Nicholas Xuan Nguyen explains How to Automate with Microsoft Azure Runbooks
π© DevOps
- On the Azure Tips and Tricks series, Manoj Srinivas describes How to perform Serverless operations with Azure DevOps and describes how to Set up an Azure Pipeline with Node.js
- Thorsten Hans explains How to Deploy Azure Container Apps with Terraform
- On episode 206 of the Azure DevOps Podcast, Jeffrey Palermo (@jeffreypalermo) is joined by Damian Brady to discuss GitHub Actions
- Charbel Nemnom (@charbelnemnom) writes What Is Azure DevOps Used For? Everything You Want To Know
- Henry Been (@henry_been) discusses How to track bugs in Azure DevOps β a follow up
- Gerasimos Alexiou writes about remote: TF401019: The Git repository with name or identifier does not exist or you do not have permissions for the operation you are attempting.
- Manoj Srinivas covers Azure Tips and Tricks - Remove Azure Secrets committed to GitHub
βοΈ Hybrid + Multicloud
- Dan Cuomo covers Network ATC: What's coming in Azure Stack HCI 22H2
- As part of the Microsoft Mechanics show, Zachary Cavanell talks about Hybrid Dev, Compute & Management Updates with Azure Arc
π Identity
- The Azure Updates Team announces the General Availability of: Microsoft Azure available from new cloud region in Qatar and Azure API Management support for MSAL in developer portal
- The Azure Updates Team describes Public preview: Use managed identity-based authentication to enable Azure Monitor container insights
- Robin Goldstein announces TOTP based MFA for Azure AD B2C is now Generally Available and TOTP based MFA for Azure AD is now Generally Available
- Naama Schlesinger covers The new Microsoft 365 Defender APIs in Microsoft Graph are now available in public preview
- Balasubramanian Delli explains how to Update 2207 for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager current branch is now available
- June Castillote (@junecastillote) describes How to Leverage Azure AD Connect Delta Sync For Faster Syncs
- Charbel Nemnom (@charbelnemnom) writes What Is Azure AD Connect The Comprehensive Guide
- Clemens Schotte discusses how to do Azure Maps Web Application Authentication the right way
π Integration
- On Visual Studio Magazine - Blogs, David Ramel (@dramel) describes Azure's 'Dev Box' Cloud Workstation Service in Public Preview
- Manoj Srinivas covers Azure Tips and Tricks - How to run Logic Apps in a Docker container
- Jingyi Zhu describes how to Call Microsoft Graph API in Power Automate using custom connector, and how to Access User Data from Microsoft Graph, talks about Creating Microsoft Graph custom connector in Power Apps and about Power Platform + MS Graph
π‘ Internet of Things
- Sander van de Velde walks through Exploring full Azure IoT Hub device support using MQTTs only
- Wellington Duraes writes about Over the air updates for MCUs with Azure Device Update
- Peter Rombouts (@prombouts) discusses Monitor IoT devices with Node-RED and Azure LogicApps
π Learning
- On the Q Sharp blog, Matt Zanner He/him announces the Azure Quantum Summer 2022 Hackathon
- Natalie Duryea describes Walking the walk of a Keep Learning culture at Tietoevry
- Felix Omuok describes How to recognize and synthesize speech on Azure
- Someleze Diko describes How to use VM Environments to Complete Power Platform Labs on MS Learn
βοΈ Management and Governance
- The Azure Updates Team announces the General Availability of: Azure Monitor container insights agent renaming and Azure Monitor Logs data export supports application insights tables
- The Azure Updates Team announces the Public Preview of Azure Monitor basic logs, archive, restore and search jobs and Azure Workbooks for Update Compliance
- Brad Smith writes Microsoft responds to European Cloud Provider feedback with new programs and principles
- James Havens delves into Microsoft Purview- Paint By Numbers Series Part 9a - Compliance Manager - Overview
- Shane Baldacchino presents Part 2- Infra Cost Optimisation In The Cloud β Practical Design Steps For Architects and Developers
- Paddy Damodharan describes Modernizing Endpoint Management β Encryption β Part 2
- Aaron Powell (@slace) walks through Finding Resource Groups With No Resources
π Migration
- Ramanath Nayak discusses Mainframe Dataset Files Transfer to Azure Storage Blob using Mainframe JCL
π Networking
- The Azure Updates Team announces General availability: Private endpoint network security group support and Public preview: Microsoft Azure Load Testing supports private endpoints testing
- Stefan Georgiev (@stg3orgi) writes about Ten Azure networking tips that may simplify your life
- On the Azure blog, Aimee Littleton presents Dive deep into NAT gateways SNAT port behavior
π Security
- Camilla Sophie Djamalov explains how to Tamper protection on macOS is now generally available
- Yaniv Shasha writes about New ingestion-SampleData-as-a-service solution, for a great Demos and simulation
- Rin Ure explains how to What's New: SOC Process Framework is Now Live in Content Hub
- Maayan Magenheim covers Azure resource entity page - your way to investigate Azure resources
- Pete Bryan blogs about Hunting for Teams Phishing with Microsoft Sentinel, Defender, Microsoft Graph and MSTICPy
π¦ Storage
- Manoj Srinivas covers Azure Tips and Tricks - How to move Azure Storage Blobs between containers
- Luis Filipe wtires about Azure Storage Blob Count & Capacity usage Calculator and covers Azure Storage - Permanent Delete Soft-Deleted objects
- Ryan Chen writes about Common Scenarios When Exporting/Importing Azure Redis Cache
π Web
- The Azure Updates Team writes about Generally available: Azure API Management - expanded support for Azure Policy definitions
- As part of the Azure Tips and Tricks series Manoj Srinivas talks about How to test application performance with Azure Load Testing, and How to use GitHub Actions from Azure App Service, and Build and deploy your first app with the Azure SDK for Java on Azure, and How to containerize and deploy a Java app to Azure, and Getting started with Azure App Configuration for your ASP.NET Core App and How to deploy a Java EE application to Azure
- Aaron Powell (@slace) covers GraphQL on Azure: Part 9 - REST to GraphQL and Part 10 - Synthetic GraphQL Custom Responses
- On Code Project, Iulia Pitutiu talks about Using Wisej.NET to Access Blob Storage with Microsoft Azure
- Mayunk Jain (@mayunkj) discusses Azure Migrate now supports large-scale migration of ASP.NET web apps to Azure App Service